to johannoble : The way he was going I'm sure he got his reward and enjoyed every drop of it. Great cocksucking!
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to BurlyDad : I had heard of poppers but never tried them. Then one day I hooked up with a married guy who's wife was out of town and was looking for good head. He was sniffing his poppers and then he put the bottle to my nostril and told me to block off the other nostril as I inhaled it. The rush did get me hornier and made me want to do nothing but suck his cock more and more. He knew how to manipulate me into giving him a good blowjob but didn't care. It made me enjoy his cock even more.
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When the cocksucker takes a deep popper huff, you know that he's about to take you to the next level of head. Just enjoy and reward him appropriately.